
What's in Green Barley?

Amino Acids are the building blocks of proteins; 20 of them are present in the body proteins in significant quantity. Proteins are the major constituent of every cell and body fluid (except urine and bile) and are thus necessary for the continual cell building, regeneration, and energy production that we need for life. An added benefit of the green barley leaf proteins is that they promote cell metabolism (the chemical changes we need to live) and neutralize substances that are bad for your health. Eighteen (18) amino acids are found in barley grass, including the 8 essential ones: that is: the amino acids that we must get from our diets; the body cannot produce them itself. 

Green Barley leaves contain a multitude of the body’s spark plugs, the enzymes. Enzymes supply the spark that starts the essential chemical reactions, without which, we would be helpless: a bag of bones, unable to walk, talk, blink, or breathe. Astounding amounts of vitamins and minerals are found in green barley leaves. These include: Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Copper, Phosphorus, Manganese, Zinc, Beta Carotene, B1, B2, C, Folic Acid, and Pantothenic Acid.

It contains:
11 times the calcium in cow’s milk
5 times the iron in spinach
7 times the Vitamin C in oranges
80 mg of vitamin B12 per hundred grams
Significant amounts of chlorophyll

Green barley leaves are extremely alkaline, so digesting them can help keep the body’s alkaline and acidity ration balanced. Our cells cannot adequately function if the pH range (which measure acidity and alkaline) is not in a narrow range. Most processed foods are acidic, and when we consume too many of them the acidity/alkaline balance is upset and this result in possible fatigue. 
Green barley have anti-inflammatory, and anti-ulcer properties. It contains 2’-O-GIV an antioxidant activity superior to vitamin E. It may contribute to preventing the changes that often lead to cancer, rapid aging, and cell death. 
Green barley has: Carotenoids, Flavonoids, Phytochemicals, Phytonutrients.


Turbo IT Solutions said...

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amino acid complex

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